Friday, October 10, 2008

U.S. Health Care

The issues with the health-care in the United States are broad and deep rooted.  I would argue that the combination of the culture of our society, our medical research methodology, as well as the evolution of our health-care systems have had a synergistic effect on creating the debacle that is public health in this country.  Please take a moment to leave your opinion on the matter, or just read more in the comments section.


1 comment:

J Spenella said...

I agree to a degree. There are many strides in medicine that are slowed due to society debates, and the health-care system. When it comes to our medical research methods there are at least beneficial outcomes. The process is slow research techniques and navigated through grants, but when all are active, like in say 'breast cancer' there are huge outcomes from reasonably small amount of times. I see the idea of University dominated research in this country slowly becoming a profitable business. And if private the funding would have many new options and the outcome could be along the line of breast cancer. In the last ten years the focus on breast cancer in the news and in grant research has had dramatic effect in the treatment and success of diagnosis to cut the percentage affected or badly harmed. This trend could motivate the research positively... Health care on the other hand is a whole different story that is having huge issues while being private.